Obtaining the unobtainable.
You spend untold hours on the road. No one has to tell you the challenges you face behind the wheel.
Expenses eat up a major chunk of your income of which lube oil and diesel fuel are a MAJOR piece. You feel as if you have no control over the ever-increasing price of doing what you do to provide for your family and yourself.
You wonder what you could do to keep more of what you earn. You think about that trip you want to take with the family over the Holidays, the pair of earrings your wife has been longing for, the four wheelers for the kids, the bass boat or that new deer rifle. The frustration grows.
If history is our teacher, and it is, the price of oil and diesel fuel will continue to increase over time.
Oil is purchased worldwide with US dollars. As long as the Federal Reserve keeps printing “funny money”, the value of your dollars will continue to decrease. As long as the value of your dollar decreases, the number of your dollars it takes to buy a gallon of diesel fuel will increase.
The average OTR owner/operator spends $4000 a year on oil and filters, and at today’s diesel prices, over $60,000 a year on fuel! There must be something you can do to stop the insanity.
There is now. It’s easy.
Implement ONBOARD® ECVD.
With ONBOARD® ECVD installed on your rig, your oil change intervals can be safely extended many times. Your fuel efficiencies can increase from 3 to 12%! Many owner/operators just like you are saving $2000 the very first year and $5000 dollars every year after!! They are lowering their DEF usage, nearly cutting in half their regen cycles, increasing their oil intervals, lowering their carbon contribution to the environment and extending the service life of their engine.
All this, and they are paying for the ONBOARD® ECVD unit in a matter of months with money already set aside for fuel and oil drains.
There is an answer for everyone driving a truck.
The answer is a tap away… ONBOARD® ECVD.
With ONBOARD® ECVD installed on your rig, your oil change intervals can be safely extended many times. Your fuel efficiencies can increase from 3 to 12%!

Canada 16, also called the Yellowhead Highway. Photo: Ivo Janssen